Nov 10, 2007

Parenting Seminar - Dr Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo

Seb and myself attended the parenting seminar by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo from GFI organised by our church, Faith Community Baptist Church. Yesterday's seminar touched on speaking life to our children - not to swear, speak negative proclaimations upon our children. We learnt how to elevate the negative side of our communication by speaking positively in our moment of frustration. Thank God for this teaching that reminds us not to blurt out negative comments and to guard our tongue when disciplining our children.

Ephesians 4: 29

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto hearers. "

This afternoon's workshop touched on the topics "How to raise a responsible child" and "Did you hear me ? Beyond Basic Communication". In the former, we learnt how as parents we can avoid prompting, bribing and threatening our children to do basically his/her responsibilities without having us doing it for them. In the 2nd half, we learnt the different communication styles between a son and a daughter and how to give effective instructions so as to increase the chances of children obeying them.

Seb and I have indeed enjoyed the workshops for the past two days. Dr Gary and his wife delivered the whole workshop in an easy-going, simple to understand and humourous manner. We learnt alot from them and bought lots of parenting books for our own reference. We even asked for their autographs and to take a photo with them during the tea break ! (We truly have enjoyed the seminar - our beaming faces tells it all)