Dec 29, 2007

Arts and craft home lesson - making animals out of straws!

Can you imagine making animal models, even playground and trees, out of drinking straws? Sebastian borrowed an art and craft book from the Central National Library and tried his hands on making a squid and butterfly for the kids. That made the kids happy for the whole morning.

It's good to expose the kids to creative arts so as to expand their imagination and appreciation for the arts.

Dec 26, 2007

Thomas the Tank Engine and Barbie

Nathan's first Thomas the tank engine set

Commercialism has hit the heart strings of children! Children these days are so blessed with expensive toys and gifts...

Naomi received a Barbie toy set as Christmas gift from a close friend of mine and she was so estatic when she opened it. It was a toy shown on a TV advertisement and she had been asking for it, much to my objection to buying it. Any how, she got her wish.

We got Nathan a Thomas the tank engine set as his birthday present last June. He has been asking for another add-on set this Christmas, again to our disapproval. That same friend granted him his wish this Christmas! So now, he can fix up the 2 sets to expand the tracks and have double the fun!

Dec 25, 2007

A casual and relaxing Christmas day

Our church does not have a tradition of having church service on Christmas day. Last Sunday's service saw us celebrating Christ's birthday with Hall 10 filled with Christmas worship songs and festive decorations on the stage and all. The children's Christmas service at Hall 9 was also packed with children witnessing a Christmas musical. Naomi and Nathan were thrilled with so much gifts and goodies from their Sunday School's teachers!

This morning, after going through some MSN chats with my father in-law and sister (with the kids busy playing with the "winks" feature), we decided to go for a picnic at East Coast Park. It's the first trip to the beach for Nicole! The other 2 kids played "bubbles" and we had an enjoyable time snacking and simply catching some cool breeze by the seaside. Boy, was the park crowded!

Merry Christmas, every one!