Sep 30, 2008

Wedding of my dear Pastor

Sept 13 marks a special day for my dear pastor Angela's wedding. She is really an old time friend, cell leader, zone supervisor (during cell days) and my current pastor. We are all looking fwd to her big day including my kids who have been looking fwd to it since the day she announced of her marriage plans last finally the big day came. My G12 group did two special items is a fun fun song which we changed the lyrics to the old time favourite oldie "I only want to be with you" and the other one was to thank her for everything in the ministry doing a montage with the "Thank you" song by Bob fits as the background music. Some photos - Didnt take many cos we were too excited with the preparation and talking to old time friends that we have not met for years during the reception :

Here is a video of our Special items :

Special Item 1 : Changing the lyrics to the oldie "I only want to be with you "

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