Dec 4, 2007

Reward system or behavioral modification program?

A week ago, Sebastian and I worked out a rewards system for Naomi and Nathan to motivate them to exercise self-control and instill discipline in them. They have a hand in the design of their own rewards booklets and are very proud of their works. For example, earning up to 5 rubber stamps in the "I will practise on the piano" rewards page will have a "push-and-pop" sweet reward. They seem to be rather motivated to do that. Whatever it takes to motivate them to become more independent and disciplined, we have to give it a try!

A quick search on the Internet show that there are very good materials available for download. For those who wish to try out behavioral modification program for your children, try downloading some very nice incentive charts from the Association of for Comprehensive Neurotherapy. They even have affirmative notes and coupons to constantly remind your children! It's fantastic!

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