Nov 20, 2007

Educating the kids about "Financial IQ"

Sebastian recently bought a Chinese book, titled "Dad, What is Economy?" 《富爸爸,从小学起》, from Popular Bookstore. The Taiwanese author ( 郑南求) uses easy-to-grasp concepts on the management of our finances and savings, emphasizing the importance of educating our young children on "Financial IQ". Equiping our children with good financial management skills is alleged by the author to benefit them in their future and long-term financial health.

A search on the Internet reviewed that many foreign education policies are now putting into mainstream education, a structured way of educating young children from pre-school, the essence of savings and dealing with pocket expenses. Recently, our Ministry of Education also announced plans to include "Financial IQ" in the syllabus of selected schools.

Robert Kiyosaki, a.k.a. the "millionaire teacher", tells us that it is the responsibility of the parents to teach our children about money. There is even a board game called "Cashflow for Kids" which aims to provide fun learning on money management. It seems that the greatest gift to our children is for us (as parents) to educate them on money management, thereby giving them a financial head start.

I like Bill Hogan's famous quote --- "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!". Someone then said, "Take small steps, but take them!". So whenever there is an opportunity to lead by example, let's make time to educate our children on financial awareness. After all, God has intented us to be His stewards by taking care of His possessions which He has entrusted us with. And that means, the well-being and life skills for our children too!

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