Jan 11, 2008

Learnings from Psalms

This morning, I began the day with a bad start. It was supposed to be good news to me but with a twist to it, it turned out to be a disappointment to me. It is not appropriate to elaborate the long story in this blog but it is work related.

Through the daily devotions on Psalms since the new year, the themes about injustice, about forgiveness towards people who have done me wrong , about standing victorious in trials are really applicable esp today.

I was feelling quite down and bothered by it that I went window- shopping with my two kids in the afternoon just to cheer myself up. Woman dont call "Retail therapy" for nothing, the shopping really helps , trust me !

I have learnt a lesson from both in the physical and spiritual side of things today.

Thank God for your test and trial, so that I may learn from it and emerge stronger than before. May God's promises and strength be a constant encouragment to me. Amen !

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