Mar 4, 2008

New Piano Teacher

Have been searching for Private piano teacher for some time since last Sept.Both Naomi and Nathan were attending a piano school. The challenge with schools is that they have a very high turnover in teachers. The teachers are not paid alot after splitting the fees thus they would prefer to teach on private basis.

We held back our plans to change to private one on one class for Nathan , thinking that he may be too young to go on individual coaching. The last straw came when the school lost another good teacher again. Again we have to change teacher ! Arrgh

After asking friends, searching on the internet, calling a few teachers, we finally settled on one. Recommended by my ex-church friend who gave her good comments. Her rates are really very competitive for private coaching. In fact, we are paying much lesser than in the music school which is a group lesson for Nathan.

We also wanted them to switch to a weekday afternoon class so as to free them on Saturdays for other things like swimming lessons or just relaxing or waking up later on a Saturday morning.

Had our 1st lesson with Teacher LL today..the kids likes her and I find her patient and approachable.

Thank God for leading us to this teacher through my friend.

1 comment:

ezmum said...

Hei yo Geraldine,

Me again, posting comments everywhere :P

erm, can you pte mail me the piano teacher's contact? It will come in handy when I need it.
